(Modified and republished on 2024-11-27)

👉Every person has a zodiac symbol. A ZODIAC STAR performs a unique and humorous story in each episode.
👉This animated series has 13 episodes. It begins with the exciting story of FANCY RAT searching for his 11 long-lost brothers.
👉It showcases the humorous story of JOLLY PIG’s weight-loss attempt for the sake of winning a fitness championship in vain. There are also amusing scenes of the energetic BONNY HORSE getting a trendy new hairstyle, CHEERY ROOSTER being made fun of in humorous scenes, and the kind-hearted BABE SHEEP unexpectedly becoming the physical trainer of the mighty TOMMY TIGER. And more.
👉The animation design, music, and visual composition are meticulously crafted. Each 10-minute performance consists of no less than 9,000 frames.
👉【The Magical World of the 12 Family】brings you a joyful world of entertainment and kindness.
👉Each of the 12 ZODIAC CARTOON STARS has a catchy English and Chinese name as follows:
1. FANCY RAT – 心奇鼠
2. MACHO OX – 大力牛
3. TOMMY TIGER – 威力虎
4. WITTY HARE – 精灵兔
6. LUCKY SNAKE – 吉利蛇
7. BONNY HORSE – 活力马
8. BABE SHEEP – 乖乖羊
11. BUDDY DOG – 爱心狗
12. JOLLY PIG – 快乐猪.

👉Here are the 13 episodes of【The Magical World of the 12 Family】. Have fun.
Episode 1 FANCY RAT👉https://youtu.be/CFccTSrgc9w
Episode 2 MACHO OX 👉https://youtu.be/7jHcRUDwXkQ
Episode 3 TOMMY TIGER👉https://youtu.be/xoAhvJxCVKE
Episode 4 WITTY HARE👉https://youtu.be/RMr4ok5t_vc
Episode 5 VICTOR DRAGON👉https://youtu.be/5hPc5AfvS2o
Episode 6 LUCKY SNAKE👉https://youtu.be/Ks-XsZ1Ey70

Episode 7 BONNY HORSE👉https://youtu.be/BWSbHPwZUMM
Episode 8 BABE SHEEP👉https://youtu.be/D3CJvsQtcuo
Episode 9 JAZZY MONKEY👉https://youtu.be/OHyNHo_6TSE
Episode 10 CHEERY ROOSTER👉https://youtu.be/zgrRWeufB-0
Episode 11 BUDDY DOG👉https://youtu.be/S81vbtQ7n28
Episode 12 JOLLY PIG👉https://youtu.be/Q10SkLg2MLc

Episode 13 THE 12 FAMILY👉https://youtu.be/OugBEbmU6PI

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